Tuesday, January 13, 2015

LIghting Our Path With Creativity!

Have you ever experienced that moment, when your path aligns and you feel like your purpose begins to expose itself with greater clarity? This recently happened for me again. Little bits continue to reveal themselves as I align my energy and actions with a more natural perspective of creativity I will be sharing in the re-release of my edited and expanded book, Embracing The Spark: How Creativity is Shaping Our Reality.
This blog is basically me meditating while I am writing. It is an example of how the imagination can guide us, using intuition and information connected to the higher self. The heart lights the path when the mind can cloud or dim the same light. By writing out my thoughts in this manner, a new revelation came to me in regards to my journey. Enjoy!

It’s as if you have been traveling along the journey at night, and as the sun slowly begins to rise. Even though you may not be able to see the sun, the light finds you through the trees, revealing a little more of the road ahead.
Negative beliefs quickly attempt to extinguish this new, fiery enthusiasm and hope. The thoughts of many who walk near me in this forest, and many who have walked before me, leave a lingering energetic impression on my belief systems. Knowing this, I begin to sort through them, looking to find my own compass. It is not lost. It is only covered up in this bag of unnecessary belongings.
Gratefully, I quickly find the compass, because this new path has led me to a dense and overgrown area of the woods. I can tell it has been traveled through before, but it is all completely new to me and definitely has had a lot less traffic. The brush has grown up tall and thick. I have no idea where to begin. I trust I have been led here for a reason, so I know there must be a way for me to move forward.
Determined, I bend back the first branch which blocks my path and I am face-to-face with spider. She has started to fade into sleep after an evening of feeding and diligently working on her own intricate home she now rests upon. Although I love her energy, I much prefer to stay out of her personal space. A moment of hesitation and fear creep into my thoughts again. Can I move forward through the unknown without disrupting her or will she be upset with my intrusion? She notices my eyes gazing at her, and turns her body to face me.
She is a mirror for me. Here she is, at the entrance of my path, representing one of my greatest gifts (creativity) and one of my greatest fears (spiders). There is no coincidence she has come to be my teacher. It is here I am able to recognize for the first time it was never her I was afraid of. It was of the gift itself. Spider was only holding the space for me to recognize it. As my eyes soften from this new awareness, she scuttles off to the edge of her web to let this lighter version of me pass by.
I have found the entrance. The sun continues to rise and the path before me is brought a little more into the light.

I am so grateful that tears of joy, rather than tears of pain, begin to flow from my being. They have become more common place in my life these days. I wish the same for each and every one of you. I know the reflection each one of us sees can be a beautiful.
As I discovered from spider during this writing meditation, even my gifts can be scary. When I wrote about the negative beliefs that come in, I am referring to ones attached to this. For example, I fear if I fully embrace my creativity and the beauty I see all around me, others may perceive me as living in a fantasy world. Heck, some of them already do! “How dare I talk about how great and grand reality can be when there is so much discord going on in the world right now?”
That’s just it! I know everything we can imagine can be real. Energy grows where attentions goes. By me focusing my efforts and energy in the areas that make the living experience a positive one, I am contributing more positively to the whole. As I continue to embrace my creativity, which by nature is always building, I can participate by helping build the new world. We all can participate in building the new world. All we have to do is believe in the fantasy or construct the beautiful in our own reality, through one creative action at a time. I have been watching this manifest around me in such magnificent ways. This is what I want to share with all of you.
Take today to play with your imagination. What is it whispering to you or showing you? What is your heart inspiring you to build around you? Start there. Did you know starting is an action aligned with creativity? It is possible. It is not fantasy. It is just as real as anything else. True creativity is always building, without hurt or harm to yourself or others. When we align our actions by this definition, we automatically stay out of any area that is destroying the world around us. Your imagination knows, your heart knows. All we need to do is listen.

(Any of the words highlighted in orange are actions that align with creativity. Use these if you are feeling less than creative, or blocked. They will help you begin aligning your energy with the creative.)

Love light and hugs!
     jodi lynn

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